Mathematica Notebooks
- Getting Started with Mathematica
- Cryptography with Mathematica
- The Mathematics behind JPEG
- A package for elliptic curves over Zp (Lenstra's elliptic curve factorization method, ECDSA): EllipticCurves.nb, EllipticCurves.m
- A package for computing discrete logarithms (Pohlig-Hellman,Pollard roh,Shanks baby-step/giant-step): LogMod.nb, LogMod.m
- A package for working with abstract difference equations (e.g. when using the Frobenius method): DiffEqs.nb, DiffEqs.m
- Ploting Fuctions for use with TeX (obsolete)
- Overload Graph[] such that the old Combinatorica sytax works (obsolete)
- Compute a calender of the Austrian holidays in iCal format (obsolete)