Nonlinearity 29, 1036-1046 (2016)
[DOI: 10.1088/0951-7715/29/3/1036]
A coupling problem for entire functions and its application to the long-time asymptotics of integrable wave equations
Jonathan Eckhardt and Gerald Teschl
We propose a novel technique for analyzing the long-time asymptotics of integrable wave equations in the case when the
underlying isospectral problem has purely discrete spectrum. To this end, we introduce a natural coupling problem for entire functions,
which serves as a replacement for the usual Riemann-Hilbert problem, which does not apply in these cases.
As a prototypical example, we investigate the long-time asymptotics of the dispersionless Camassa-Holm equation.
MSC2010: Primary 37K40, 35Q35; Secondary 30D20, 37K20
Keywords: Coupling problem, long-time asymptotics, Camassa-Holm equation