About me

I am a mathematician and mathematical physicist and a researcher in mathematics education at the Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna. Also I am the coordinator of the Austrian Science Fund's (FWF) Emerging Fields project

  • Research in Mathematics

    My main field of interest is Mathematical General Relativity, especially non-smooth spacetime geometries. Over the years I have also done research in Functional Analysis, Applied Analysis and the Theory of PDE.

  • Mathematics Education Research

    In recent years I have collaborated with colleagues from the Didactis Group at our Faculty especially investigating professional knowledge of teachers, and beliefs on teaching and learning mathematics.

  • Teaching Portfolio

    I regularly teach a variety of courses in several areas of mathematics, from general first-year-courses to specialized courses and seminars in analysis, PDE and geometry. I have recently redesigned the analysis courses (subject-matter and dicdactical) in our teacher training programme jointly with Sonja Kramer from the University College of teacher education. For her contribution she received the UNIVIE Teaching Award 2024. I am also co-leading the Faculty's teaching project MaThX (Mathematik zwischen Theorie und Praxis).

  • Textbook

    I have co-authored the general introductory textbook Einführung in das Mathematische Arbeiten (German, Introduction into mathematical methodology) with Hermann Schichl. Together we are running a service web page accompanying the book which offers a number of explanatory videos which we have produced for its 3rd edition. We have been awarded the UNIVIE Teaching Award 2013 of Vienna University and the ARS DOCENDI, the Austrian National Award in University Teaching in 2016.

  • Supervisor in MCMP and VSM

    I am a PhD-supervisor in the Vienna School of Mathematics (VSM) which is a new joint enterprise of U Vienna with the Technical University Vienna and a supervisor in the Vienna Master Class Mathematical Physics (MCMP) which is run jointly by the Faculties of Mathematics and Physics of U Vienna.

  • Professional Memberships

    I am a lifetime-member of ISAAC (The International Society for Analysis, its Applications and Computation), a member and former treasurer of the IAGF (The International Association for Generalized Functions), and a member of the GDM (The German Society of Didactics of Mathematics) and its Austria working group.