2024-12-03 |
My former student Argam Ohanyan received an Erwin Schrödinger grant by the Austrian Science Fund FWF. He will pursue his project Singularities and rigidity in non-smooth spacetimes with Robert McCann in Toronto for two years before returning to our group for another year. |
2024-10-29 |
My student Argam Ohanyan defended his Ph.D. thesis entiteled Singularities and rigidity in smooth and non-smooth spacetimes with flying colours.
2024-10 |
My collaborator Sonja Kramer was awarded the UNIVIE Teaching Award for our joint lecture and exercise classes "Schulmathematik Analysis" (school mathematics analysis).
2024-09 |
I talked at the GF2024 and gave a invited talk at the Time Machine Factory conference, both in Turin, Italy.
2024-06-19 |
I gave the invited talk The Hawking theorem in Lipschitz regularity at Queen Mary University of London, U.K.
2024-05 |
I have been invited as a speaker to the EPS Conference on Gravitation: Unlocking Gravity Through Computation in Prague in December 2024, as well as to the BIRS-IMAG workshop Geometry, Analysis, and Physics in Lorentzian Signature in Granada in May 2025.
2024-04 |
The University of Vienna has announced to fund the Faculty's teaching project MaThX (Mathematikunterricht zwischen Theorie und Praxis; Teaching mathematics beteen theory and pratice), where I am a team memeber.
2024-04-05 |
Together with Ilse Fischer I gave a talk at the Austrian Mathematical Society's Teacher Training Day entiteled Neue Mathematik für die Schule (New Mtahs for the School).
2024-03-12 |
2023-09-22 |
Together with Ilse Fischer I gave an invited lecture at the Teacher's Day of the Austrian Mathematical Society.
2023-06 |
Clemens Sämann, graduate from our research group and my frequent co-author was arwarded the START-prize of the Austrian Science fund.
2023-04 |
I was invited to join the scientific board of GeLoMer the XI International Meeting on Lorentzian Geometry, to be held in Merida, Mexico, Jan. 29--Feb. 2, 2024.
2023-04-26 |
I gave a popular talk on my research at Vienna Planetarium.
2023-04-21 |
I gave an invited main lecture entiteled Impulsive gravitational waves (From particle motion to geometry) at the HASOP2023 conference in Novi Sad, Serbia.
2023-03-13--24 |
The ESI hosted our workshop Non-regular Spacetime Geometry, co-organised with Piotr Chrusciel, Melanie Graf, Ettore Minguzzi, and Mike Kunzinger.
2023-02-16 |
The Topical Collection "Singularity theorems, causality, and all that (SCRI21)", which I was co-editing appeared topday in General Relativity and Gravitation.
2022 |
2022-02-25 |
Solidarity with Ukraine
2021 |
2020 |
2019 |
2018 |