Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B63pref (2009), 1 p.
Marilena Barnabei and Flavio Bonetti
The 63th Meeting of the Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
took place from September 27 to September 30, 2009 in the
University Centre of Bertinoro (Italy). Once again, the meeting
was joint with the 15th Incontro Italiano di Combinatoria
Algebrica. This edition of the meeting was characterized by a
stimulating scientific program, and by a particularly consistent
number of participants.
The invited speakers were Pierre CARTIER (CNRS - Paris) "Graphical
Methods in the Classical Invariant Theory with Applications to
Enumeration Problems," and Michael JOSWIG (Technische Universität
"Tropical Combinatorics."
The other participants and speakers were the following: