Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B25f (1990), 1 p.
[Formerly: Publ. I.R.M.A. Strasbourg, 1991, 462/S-25, p. 5-18]
George Andrews
Three Aspects for Partitions
In this paper we shall discuss three topics in partitions. Section
2 is devoted to partitions with difference conditions and is an
elucidation of joint work with J.B. Olsson (J.
Reine und angew. Math. 413 (1991), 198-212).
In section 3 we
discuss certain partition problems which have their origins in
statistical mechanics. We take as the theme for this section Euler's
article Exemplum Memorabile Inductionis Fallacis (Novi Commentarii
Academiae Scientarum Petropolitanae 11 (1765),
124-143; also in Opera Omnia, Series 1 Vol 15,
Teubner, pp. 50-69). The material
for this section is closely related to the work in (J. Amer. Math.
Soc. 3 (1990), 653-669). Section 4
contains a discussion of some of Ramanujan's formulas from both his
Notebooks and lost Notebook. More extensive accounts of this topic
are found in (Proc. Symp. in
Pure Math. 49 (1989), 283-298) and
(Ill. J. Math.
36 (1992), 251-274).
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