Second announcement: Nov. 20, 1998.
(Bayreuth, Erlangen, Strasbourg)
will take place in
Bildungshaus Kloster Schoental
Klosterhof 6
D-74214 Schoental
Tel. : +49-7943-894-0
Fax. : +49-7943-894-100
from Sunday, March 7, 1999 (evening) to Wednesday March
10, 1999 (afternoon).
Participants are expected to arrive for dinner on Sunday and leave
after lunch on Wednesday.
The Place
Kloster Schoental (Schoental monastery) is beautifully situated
in the valley of the river Jagst, about 10 kilometers east of the
Autobahn A 81 (Heilbronn-Wuerzburg (exit: Moeckmuehl-Schoental).
It is also accessible by train and bus (train station: Moeckmuehl).
The Schoental ("speciosa vallis") monastery was founded by the
Cistercian order in 1157, but the whole complex was rebuilt during
the baroque period. Much of the baroque splendour still exists
and has been carefully renovated. Today this place belongs to the
diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart and serves as an educational center
with all modern facilities.
Connoisseurs of German literature will perhaps be interested in noting
that the castle of Jagsthausen, the place where Goethe's famous
knight "Goetz von Berlichingen" lived and is still being honoured
by open air performances of the drama, is just around the corner.
How to get there: The way to Kloster Schoental
Practical matters: Further hints
The invited speakers of this session will be:
- Marko Petkovsek (Ljubljana, Slovenia), "Exact solutions of linear recurrence
- Volkmar Welker (Berlin): "Komplexe von Graphen"
Further talks by:
Christine Bessenrodt (Magdeburg): "Knonecker products of representations of the
symmetric and related groups"
Nicolas Brisebarre (Bordeaux): "Doubly P-recursive entire functions"
Cedric Chauve (Bordeaux): "Combinatorics of Cayley trees and new distributions
of n^n"
Volker Diekert (Stuttgart): tba
Bernd Fiedler (Leipzig): "An algorithm for ideal decompositions in semisimple
rings and its use in investigations of tensor symmetries (D)"
Harald Fripertinger (Graz): "Enumeration of mosaics"
Hoang Ngoc Minh (Lille): "Aspects combinatoires des fonctions spéciales
et des nombres spéciaux"
Peter John (Ilmenau): "Kanonische Darstellung von (3,6)-Käfigen"
Adalbert Kerber (Bayreuth): "Unimodularität der Gauss-Polynome"
Peter Kirschenhofer (Leoben): tba
Christian Krattenthaler (Wien): "Gauss and Jacobi sums, 2-ranks of cyclic
difference sets, and the transfer matrix method"
Reinhard Laue (Bayreuth): "Lots of isomorphism types of t-designs"
Giuseppe Pirillo (Firenze): "Sturmian words"
Dominique Poulalhon (Paris): "Factorization of cycles in permutations"
Carsten Schneider (Linz): "Karr's summation algorithm"
Jan Snellman (Palaiseau): "On some partial orders associated to generic
initial ideals"
Frédéric Toumazet (Marne-la-Vallée): "Sur certains produits
tensoriels des représentations unitaires du groupe métaplectique"
Walter Wenzel (Chemnitz): "On separations of the n-cube by hyperplane
LIST OF PARTICIPANTS (as of March 2, 1999)
- Bayreuth: Kerber A., Kohnert A., Laue R.,
- Erlangen: Koenig R., Strehl V.,
- Strasbourg: Foata D., Han G., Jouanolou J.-P.,
- Ljubljana: Petkovsek M.,
- Berlin: Welker V.,
- Stuttgart: Diekert V.,
- Paris: Barsky D., Poulalhon D.,
- Magdeburg: Bessenrodt Ch.,
- Beograd: Cakic N.P.,
- Bordeaux: Brisebarre N., Chauve C.,
- Ilmenau: John P.,
- Leoben: Kirschenhofer P.,
- Wien: Krattenthaler Ch.,
- Cagliari: Cerlienco L.,
- Chemnitz: Wenzel W.,
- Marne-la-Vallée: Désarménien J, Gauthier B.,
Lascoux A., Picon P.-A., Thibon J.-Y.,
Toumazet F.,
- Hamburg: Krämer H.,
- Leipzig: Fiedler B.,
- Graz: Fripertinger H.,
- Lille: Hoang Ngoc Minh,
- Napoli: Formisano M.,
- Rouen: Laugerotte E.,
- Copenhagen: Olsson J.,
- Firenze: Pirillo G.,
- Linz: Schneider C., Zimmermann B.,
- Palaiseau: Snellman J.
- Kiel: Blessenohl D., Bauer T., Joellenbeck A., Lehmann D., Wirsing S.
Participants will be housed in the Bildungshaus Kloster Schoental
in double rooms or single rooms. The rates (full pension)
are the following:
On double occupancy basis: DM 94.-- per day,
On single occupancy basis: DM 114.-- per day.
Sorry, we do not accept any further registrations.
We are fully booked. The "fiches" are left on this page
only for those people who are registered and want to
change their reservations:
email fiche
or directly by the web.
The responsible for organization is
Volker Strehl
Informatik 8
Am Weichselgarten 9
D-91058 Erlangen
phone: +49-9131-85-29914
fax: +49-9131-85-29905