9-th International Conference on
July 14 - 18, 1997
This Conference is Dedicated to the Memory of
Marcel-Paul Schützenberger
Algebraic and bijective combinatorics and their relations with other
parts of mathematics, computer science and physics.
Invited lectures,
contributed presentations,
poster session,
problem session and software demonstrations.
The official languages of the conference are English and French.
Martin Aigner (Germany)
Jonathan Borwein (Canada)
Andreas Dress (Germany)
Tony Guttmann (Australia)
Mark Haiman (USA)
Masaki Kashiwara (Japan)
Michel Mendes France (France)
Rodica Simion (USA)
Anatoliy Vershik (Russia)
Authors are invited to submit extended abstracts of at most twelve
pages before November 15, 1996. Preferred way of submission is by
sending one postscript file by email to fpsac97@risc.uni-linz.ac.at. If an
author is not able to send a postscript version of her/his extended
four copies of the extended abstract should be mailed to
Peter Paule, Chairman of the Program committee of
Johannes Kepler Universität, A-4040 Linz, AUSTRIA.
The submitted papers should begin with a summary written in the two
official languages of the conference (translations will be provided
if necessary). Authors should indicate the mode of presentation
which they consider appropriate for their paper : lecture or poster
session. The notifications of acceptance or rejection are scheduled
for the beginning of March 1997.
The authors whose papers will have been accepted for a lecture or a
poster presentation will have the possibility to submit a complete
version of their work to a special issue of the journal "Discrete
Mathematics," devoted to the conference FPSAC '97. The deadline for
submission to the special issue is September 1, 1997.
Contributions to the problem session are invited in advance of the
conference dates. If possible, problems should be submitted by
e-mail to the address fpsac97@risc.uni-linz.ac.at.
Demonstrations of software relevant to the topics of the conference
are encouraged. People interested in giving a software demonstration
should submit a paper as described above, including the hardware
requirements, before January 15, 1997, by email to
Limited funds are available for partial support of participants,
in particular for students and scientists from Eastern countries.
Requests should contain a letter of recommendation and include the
estimated transportation and living expenses as well as the amount of
support available from other sources. All requests should be sent
in duplicate by January 15, 1997 to the following address :
Christian Krattenthaler, Chairman of the Organizing committee of FPSAC '97,
Institut für Mathematik,
Universität Wien, Strudlhofgasse 4,
A-1090 Vienna, AUSTRIA.
The conference will take place at the
Institut für Mathematik
of the Universität Wien.
The Institut für Mathematik is
located 10 minutes walking distance from the city center.
The first talk is scheduled on July 14, 1997 at 9:00 a.m.
Rooms have been blocked for the participants of the conference
at Hotel**** Kaiser Franz Joseph (at the special rates of
660 ATS/single room, 880 ATS/double;
this includes breakfast; the hotel is 15 minutes by tram from the Institut
für Mathematik) and
at the Studentenheim Strudlhofgasse (at the rates of
210 ATS/single, 330 ATS/double;
without breakfast, there are shared bath and shower facilities, and
common kitchens where breakfast or other small
meals could be prepared; the Studentenheim is directly opposite the
Institut für Mathematik).
If you want to book a room at a hotel on your own, then you may
contact the Wiener Tourismusverband, Obere Augartenstraße 40, A-1020
Vienna, Austria, Tel. +43/1/21114 or
However, do not contact the Hotel Kaiser Franz Joseph directly if you
want to get the above rates.
The Austrian currency is Austrian Schilling (ATS). Depending on the
current exchange rate, 1 US dollar is roughly 11 Austrian Schilling. As
a general rule, all prices in Austria include tax, so do,
in particular, the above hotel rates.
N.B. It is important for the Hotel Kaiser Franz Joseph that you book
before April 30, 1997. We cannot guarantee reservations that are made after
that date; be aware that summer is the main tourist season in Vienna.
If you are going to stay at the Studentenheim, then,
please, bring your own towels.
For any question, just write to fpsac97@radon.mat.univie.ac.at.
The conference FPSAC'97 is supported by the European Commission for
Science, Research and Development (TMR Euroconference Programme),
Bank Austria, Bundesministerium
für Wissenschaft, Stadt Wien, Wiener Fremdenverkehrsverband.
Until April 30, 1997, the regular registration fee is 2000 ATS.
A reduced fee of 1000 ATS is offered for students (with verification,
such as a letter from the advisor). These fees will be 3000 ATS and
1500 ATS, respectively, if the registration is made after April 30,
1997. The registration fee covers all instruction, program materials,
refreshment breaks, a copy of the
conference proceedings, a concert on Monday, a reception in the city
hall on Tuesday, and a "Heurigenabend" (conference dinner) on Thursday.
To register, please mail or FAX a completed copy of the
registration form to
C. Krattenthaler, FPSAC'97,
Institut für Mathematik, Universität Wien, Strudlhofgasse 4, A-1090
Vienna, AUSTRIA; FAX: +43/1/31367-4040 or +43/1/310 63 47.
Please, also indicate whether you will attend
the "Heurigenabend" on Thursday, July 17, 1997.