Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Volume XXX,
Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, (to appear).
Topics in Linear and Nonlinear Functional Analysis
Gerald Teschl
This manuscript provides a brief introduction to linear and nonlinear Functional Analysis.
There is also an accompanying text on Real Analysis.
MSC: 46-01, 46E30, 47H10, 47H11, 58Exx, 76D05
Keywords: Functional Analysis, Banach space, Hilbert space, Mapping degree, fixed-point theorems,
differential equations, Navier-Stokes equation
The text is available as
pdf (2.4M) version.
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Table of contents
- A first look at Banach and Hilbert spaces
- Introduction: Linear partial differential equations
- The Banach space of continuous functions
- The geometry of Hilbert spaces
- Completeness
- Compacteness
- Bounded operators
- Sums and quotients of Banach spaces
- Spaces of continuous and differentiable functions
- Hilbert spaces
- Orthonormal bases
- The projection theorem and the Riesz lemma
- Operators defined via forms
- Orthogonal sums and tensor products
- Applications to Fourier series
- Compact operators
- Compact operators
- The spectral theorem for compact symmetric operators
- Applications to Sturm-Liouville operators
- Estimating eigenvalues
- Singular value decomposition of compact operators
- Hilbert-Schmidt and trace class operators
- The main theorems about Banach spaces
- The Baire theorem and its consequences
- The Hahn-Banach theorem and its consequences
- Refexivity
- The adjoint operator
- Weak convergence
- Bounded linear operators
- Banach algebras
- The C* algebra of operators and the spectral theorem
- Spectral measures
- More on convexity
- The geometric Hahn-Banach theorem
- Convex sets and the Krein-Milman theorem
- Weak topologies
- Beyond Banach spaces: Locally convex spaces
- Uniformly convex spaces
- Advanced spectral theory
- The Gelfand representation theorem
- Spectral theory for compact operators
- Fredholm operators
- Unbounded linear operators
- Closed operators
- Spectral theory for unbounded operators
- Reducing subspaces and spectral projections
- Relatively bounded and relatively compact operators
- Unbounded Fredholm operators
- Analysis in Banach spaces
- Single variable calculus in Banach spaces
- Multivariable calculus in Banach spaces
- Minimizing nonlinear functionals via calculus
- Minimizing nonlinear functionals II via compactness
- Contraction principles
- Ordinary differential equations
- The Brouwer mapping degree
- Introduction
- Definition of the mapping degree and the determinant formula
- Extension of the determinant formula
- The Brouwer fixed point theorem
- Kakutani's fixed point theorem and applications to game theory
- Further properties and extensions
- The Jordan curve theorem
- The Leray-Schauder mapping degree
- The mapping degree on finite dimensional Banach spaces
- Compact operators
- The Leray-Schauder mapping degree
- The Leray-Schauder principle and the Schauder fixed point theorem
- Applications to integral and differential equations
- Monotone operators
- Monotone operators
- The nonlinear Lax-Milgram theorem
- The main theorem of monotone operators
- Appendix: Some set theory
- Appendix: Metric and topological spaces
- Basics
- Convergence and completeness
- Functions
- Product topologies
- Compactness
- Connectedness
- Constructing continuous functions
- Initial and final topologies
- Continuous functions on metric spaces
Glossary of notations