Yury Neretin
On Statistical Researches of Parliament Elections in the Russian Federation, 04.12.2011
Preprint series: ESI preprints
62P25 Applications to social sciences
92K99 None of the above but in this section
Abstract: There is a lot of statistical researches of Russian elections 04.12.2011.
The purpose of this activity is to give a mathematical proof of large falsifications and
to estimate possible 'real results of elections'. My purpose is to show that

1. Statistical argumentation allows to prove existence of falsifications and
to give a lower estimate of falsification, near 1 percent.

2. Statistical proofs of stronger
statements are incorrect from both points of view of mathematics and of natural sciences.

3. Apparently, this problem is not a problem of pure mathematics
(since it includes strong indeterminacy of sociological nature).

Keywords: Statistical mistakes