Curriculum Vitae
Personal data | |
Name: | Ernö Robert Csetnek |
Date of birth: | 18.03.1981 |
Place of birth: | Satu Mare, Romania |
Family status: | married, 2 children |
Education | |
09/1988-06/1996 | Ion Creanga School in Satu Mare |
09/1996-06/2000 | “Mihai Eminescu” College, Satu Mare |
Studies | |
10/2000-06/2004 | “Babeş-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca Faculty of Mathematics and Computing Science, Department of Mathematics Degree: Diploma in Mathematics Diploma thesis: “Kurzweil integrals” |
10/2004-06/2005 | “Babeş-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca, Romania Faculty of Mathematics and Computing Science, Department of Mathematics Master in “Real and complex Analysis” Degree: M. Sc. in Mathematics Master thesis: Hyperconvex metric spaces |
10/2005-09/2009 | Chemnitz University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics PhD student in the International Master and PhD Program Thesis defended on 8.12.2009 Grade: Summa cum laude PhD thesis: Overcoming the failure of the classical generalized interior-point regularity conditions in convex optimization. Applications of the duality theory to enlargements of maximal monotone operators (Supervisors: R.I. Boţ and G. Wanka) |
2 March 2016 | University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics Defense of the Habilitation Thesis: Recent advances in splitting methods for monotone inclusions and nonsmooth optimization problems |
Professional experience | |
04/2009-06/2013 | Chemnitz University of Technology, Faculty of Mathematics: research and teaching duties within the Professorship of Approximation Theory Since 03/2012 member of the DFG-Project BO 2516/4-1: Erweiterung spezifischer Techniken der konvexen Optimierung über die klassischen Anwendungsgebiete hinaus (head of the project: R.I. Boţ) |
07/2013-02/2015 | University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics: Research Assistant within the DFG-Project BO 2516/4-1 (head of the project: R.I. Boţ) |
03/2015-02/2017 | University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics: Senior Postdoc within the FWF-Project M 1682-N25, Lise Meitner-Programme: Convex optimization via monotone operator theory (applicant: E.R. Csetnek, co-applicant: R.I. Boţ) |
03/2017-09/2018 | University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics: Senior Postdoc within the FWF-Project P 29809-N32, Nonsmooth optimization problems: splitting and dynamics (applicant: E.R. Csetnek) |
10/2018-03/2019 | University of Göttingen, Institute for Numerical and Applied Mathematics: temporary position of professor (substitute professor) |
since 04/2019 | University of Vienna, Faculty of Mathematics: PI within the FWF-Project P 29809-N32, Nonsmooth optimization problems: splitting and dynamics (applicant: E.R. Csetnek) |
Research fellowships | |
04/2006-03/2009 | Graduate Fellowship of the Free State Saxony |
Awards | |
2010 | University Prize of Chemnitz University of Technology |
Associate Editor | |
2016 - | Applied Mathematics and Computation (Elsevier) |
2020 - | Fixed Point Theory and Algorithms for Sciences and Engineering (Springer) |
2021 - | Pacific Journal of Optimization (Yokohama Publishers) |
2021 - | Journal of Computational Mathematics and Data Science (Elsevier) |
2021 - | Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Springer) |
2022 - | Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Mathematica |
2022 - | Numerical Algorithms (Springer) |
Reviewer for | |
2009 - | several mathematical journals |
2010 - | Mathematical Reviews |
2017 - | zbMATH |
Member of | |
2010- | Working Group on Generalized Convexity |
Research stays | |
20-24 November 2019: | Research stay at GMIT (German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology) and NUM (National University of Mongolia) on the invitation of Prof. Altangerel Lkhamsuren |
October 2017 | Research Center of Applied Analysis, Faculty of Mathematics
“Babeş-Bolyai” University Cluj-Napoca Advanced fellowship STAR UBB |
Ernö Robert Csetnek
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Vienna
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-50768
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Vienna
Oskar-Morgenstern-Platz 1
1090 Vienna
T: +43-1-4277-50768