VO 250082 Dynamical systems and nonlinear differential equations
H. Bruin
for further information for this course.
First class on March 5
March 12 is canceled due to Rector's Day.
Easter Break is from March 26 to April 6.
Whit Monday is on May 21.
Day | Time | Room | | from | until |
Monday | 9:45--11:15 | HS02 | Lecture | 05.3.2018 | 25.06.2018 |
Wednesday | 13:15-14:00 | HS02 | Lecture | 7.3.2018 | 27.06.2018 |
Wednesday | 14:15-15:00 | HS02 Proseminar Henna Koivusalo | 7.3.2018 | 27.06.2018 |
Exercise Schedule
The proseminar will be every other Wednesday (so one hour proseminar and one hour lecture are swapped).
The exercises are taken from here
and regularly updated.
Day | Exercises |
March 21 | 1-5 |
April 18 | 6-10 |
May 2 | 9,10,12,13,11 |
May 16 | 22,16,17,18 |
May 30 | 23,20,21,25 |
June 6 | 26,27,28 |
June 20 | 29,32,31 |
Contents of the course
Basic notions for continuous and discrete dynamical systems; flows, attractors, and chaos; stability of
stationary points by linearization and by Lyapunov functions, Poincaré-Bendixson theory, bifurcations.
The course will be given in English
Contents of the course (S = Schmeiser's notes, T =
Teschl's book),
St = Strogatz lecture on youtube.
- Bifurcations (S§5. T§6.5. T§11.1.)
- Chaos (T§10.3)
- Cusp bifurcation (S§5.4, St)
- Existence, uniqueness, continuity of solutions of ODEs (S§1. T§2.2. T§2.4.)
- Euler-Lagrange equations (T§8.3. S§10)
- Feigenbaum (bifurcation diagram) (S§6. T§11.1, St)
- Hamiltonian systems (S§10. T§8.3. St)
- Harmonic and other oscillators (S§8.3.)
- Homoclinic orbits and tangles (S Def 10. T§13.2)
- Hopf bifurcation (S§8.4. T p219-220)
- Inhomogeneous linear ODEs (S§2.1. T§3.2.)
- (In)stability of equilibria, sink, sources, saddles, centers (T§3.2.)
- (In)stability of fixed points (T§6.5, T§10.2.)
- Iteration of maps, cobweb diagrams (T§10.2.)
- Kepler problem = two-body problem (T§8.5. S§10)
- Lagrangian = Lagrange function (T§8.3. S§10)
- Legendre transform (T§8.3. S§10)
- Limit cycles (S§8), see also Van der Pol equation and Poincaré-Bendixson.
- Linear ODEs (S§2. T§3.2. T§3.3 St)
- Linearization, the Hartman-Grobman theorem (S Thm 8. T§9.3.)
- Logistic differential equation (T§10.1.)
- Logistic (= quadratic) map (T§10.1. St)
- Lorenz system (S§9. T§8.2., St and
- Lyapunov functions (S§7. T§6.6. St))
- Orbits, omega-limit sets (T§6.3 T§8.1. S Def 4.)
- Pendulum (T§6.7. S§10 (Example 8).)
- Phase portraits (T§3.2.)
- Poincaré maps (T§6.4. T§12.2)
- Poincaré-Bendixson Theorem (S§8.5. T§7.3, St)
- Sensitive dependence on initial conditions (T§10.3)
- Sharkovskiy's Theorem (T§11.2)
- Smale's horseshoe (T§13.1.)
- Stable/unstable manifolds (S Thm 7. T§9.2. T§12.3.)
- Structural stability
- Symbolic dynamics (T§11.5.)
- Strange attractors (T§11.6.)
- Van der Pol equations (S§8, T§7.2, St)
References/Background Reading
- Kathy Alligood, Tim Sauer and James Yorke, Chaos, an Introduction to Dynamical Systems, Springer 1996
ISBN 0-387-94677-2
- Michael Brin and Garrett Stuck, Introduction to Dynamical Systems, Cambridge University Press 2002
ISBN 0-521-80841-3
- Robert Devaney, An Introduction to Cahotic Dynamical Systems, Benjamin and Cummings Publishing 1986,
ISBN 0-8053-1601-9
Clark Robinson, Dynamical Systems (Stability, Symbolic Dynamics, and Chaos), CRC Press 1995
ISBN 0-8493-8493-1.
- Steven Strogatz, Nonlinear dynamics and chaos, with applications to physics, biology and
engineering, CRC Press, 2015, ISBN-13: 978-0813349107 or ISBN-10: 0813349109
ODE Classnotes
(or in fact book) of Prof. G. Teschl.
Will be based on an oral exam (in English by default, aber auf Deutsch ist auch möglich).
Exam Material:
- Linear ODEs and phase portraits
- Existence, uniqueness and continuity of solutions of ODEs
- Iteration of maps on the line (cobweb diagrams), circle and plane
- Types of orbits (fixpoint/equilibria, periodic, saddle/sink/source/center) and their stability
- Stable and unstable manifold and spaces - Hartman-Grobman Theorem
- Bifurcations (saddle-node/font, transcritical, pitchfork, period doubling, Hopf, cusp)
- Poincaré-Bendixson Theorem, alpha/omega-limit sets and limit cycles
- Lyapunov functions
- Definitions of chaos, sensitive dependence on initial conditions.
- Symbolic dynamics
- Smale's horseshoe
- Hamiltonian systems and first integrals
- Examples: logistic maps, logistic differential equations, Van der Pol equations,
Lorenz equations, harmonic oscillator and pendulum
Course material (Hand-outs)
Class notes in pdf (written by Christian Schmeiser)
Exercises for the Proseminar.
An Applet for cobweb diagrams for the logistic family.
An Applet for the bifurcation diagram for the logistic family.
- Hand-out about structural stability
- Hand-out about symbolic itineraries
- Some bifurcation diagrams:
Pitchfork bifurcation | Period doubling bifurcation | Transcritical bifurcation |
Spruce budworm (Caterpillar and Moth) | Two saddle node (= fold) bifurcations meeting in a cusp (x,k)-plane |
Bifurcation surface for cusp (projecting to (r,k)-plane |
as well as a lecture by
Strogatz on the same topic.
- Some phase portraits for the Van der Pol oscillator:
and also some youtube videos here,
and a lecture by
Strogatz (Cornell University).
Some youtube videos on Huygens resonance
here, and
here, and if you still didn't have enough, also here.
Some youtube videos on Smale and his horseshoe:
here and
Smale's horseshoe | A homoclinic tangle | Another homoclinic tangle |
Some youtube videos on Lorenz and the Lorenz attractor.
here, and
and the Wikipedia page
- Written out class notes of June 18 in
Some youtube videos on three-body choreographies,
here, and
and here.
Or this one.
Some youtube videos on the Kepler problem (motion by the Earth and Sun), on
by Feynman (sort of),
and general.
Online Lecture by Anima Nagar
Updated April 2018