SE 25077.1 Schwerpunktseminar WS 2019
Stochastik und Dynamische Systeme

Lecturers: Henk Bruin and Roland Zweimüller

For questions email Henk Bruin or Roland Zweimüller.


First meeting on March 7st 2019: discussion of structure and choice of topic.

Selected Text

Potential Topics -- just for orientation:
- Toral automorphisms, horseshoes (GS 1.7-1.8 )
- Ergodicity and mixing, ergodicity of toral automorphisms (GS 4.3 - 4.4)
- Hyperbolicity and shadowing (GS 5.2-5.3)
- Stable and Unstable manifolds, inclination lemma (GS 5.6-5.7)
- Anosov Diffeomorphisms and Axiom A systems (GS 5.1 )
- Markov partitions and symbolic dynamics (GS 5.12)
- Hölder continuity of stable/unstable foliations (GS 6.1-6.2)
- The Hopf proof or Ergodicity (GS 6.3)

List of slots

Date Name Topic
May 2 1: Boufounos Examples: toral automorphisms
2: Hand Horseshoes
May 9 1: Mikosch ε-orbits and shadowing lemma
2: Unterlercher Invariant cone fields
May 16 1: Gerber Invariant
2: Islami Manifolds
May 23 1:
June 6: 1: Stevanovic Local product structure
2: Peter Fellner Anosov Diffeos
June 13 1: Auer Ergodicity of Anosov diffeos
2: Ruggiero Hölder and absolute
June 27 1: Parzer Hölder and absolute
May 30 is Ascension Day (Himmelfahrt), June 20 Corpus Christi (Frohleichnam).

Schedule and classroom

Day Time Roomfromto
Thursday 11:30-12:45 SR127.3.201927.06.2019

Topic of the Course

  • Michael Brin, Garrett Stuck, Introduction to dynamical systems Cambridge, U.K, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2002
  • Assessment/Leistungsbeurteilung

    Assessment for this seminar will be based on the presentations of the students/Die Leistungsbeurteilung für das Seminar erfolgt auf Grund der Vorträge der Studenten.

    Updated April 9 2019