FWF stand-alone project P 33943-N on Rare events in dynamical systems

 Austrian Science Fund FWF ; September 2020 - August 2024 ;  Principal investigator: Roland Zweimüller

 A basic problem for dealing with various extreme events (possibly modelling catastrophes in real-world 
 systems) is that the times at which they occur often cannot be predicted over a reasonably long period. 
 Therefore it is important to at least understand the statistical laws governing their occurrence.
 The present project is devoted to the question when, in chaotic dynamical systems, certain rare events
 take place, what exactly happens upon their occurrence, and how statistical laws enabling quantitative
 predictions emerge in this setup.

 Project team members:   Max Auer , Roland Zweimüller  

 Collaboration partners include:  Jon Aaronson , Benoît Saussol , Françoise PènePeter Balint   

      Last update:  Sept 2020