Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire, B72pref (2014), 1 p.

Philippe Nadeau and Jiang Zeng


The 72nd Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire was held from March 22 to 26, 2014, at the Institut Camille Jordan, Université Lyon1, Lyon, France.

The main speakers of this session were:

Christophe HOHLWEG (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)
Tom KOORNWINDER (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands).

They gave, respectively, three lectures on the topics "Words and Roots in Infinite Coxeter Groups" and "BCn-type Orthogonal Polynomials: Old and New Developments".

Contributed talks:

Olga AZENHAS: Growth diagrams and non-symmetric Cauchy identities over near staircases

Olivier BOUILLOT: Multiple Bernoulli polynomials and numbers

Grégory CHÂTEL: A bijection between intervals of the Tamari order and flows on rooted trees

Ali CHOURIA: Bell polynomials in combinatorial Hopf algebras

Wenjie FANG: Bijective proofs of character evaluations using trace forest of the jeu de taquin

Thomas GERBER: An analogue of the RSK correspondence for affine type A

Cédric LECOUVEY: Induced modules and Dynkin diagram automorphims

Ana LOUREIRO: q-Jacobi-Stirling numbers and q-differential equations for q-classical polynomials

Thibault MANNEVILLE: Graph properties of graph associahedra

Henri MÜHLE: On m-cover posets and their applications

Bérénice OGER: A bialgebra on hypertree and partition posets

Soichi OKADA: Greatest common divisors of specialized Schur functions

Mathias PÉTRÉOLLE: Cyclically fully commutative elements in affine Coxeter groups

Jean-Baptiste PRIEZ: Hopf algebras and polynomial realization

Paolo SENTINELLI: Isomorphisms of Hecke modules and parabolic Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials

Omar TOUT: Polynomiality of the structure coefficients of double-class algebras

François VIARD: Type of a tableau, definition and properties

Vincent VONG: Non-commutative Gandhi polynomials and surjective pistols

Meesue YOO: Schur coefficients of the integral form Macdonald polynomials

List of Participants: