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Dear colleague,

I have heard with some disquiet about the proposals for the future of the Russian Academy of Science. It may well be that there are good reasons for these changes, but if so they are not yet apparent.

I am a mathematician and know well the great tradition of high calibre mathematics since the times of Euler and Lobatchevski. Through all the difficult times of political upheaval, mathematics continued to prosper and the Academy was able to maintain its integrity and independence.

It would be a tragedy for Russia and the rest of the world if this great historical tradition were to end.

I am a Foreign Member of the Russian Academy and I was also President of the Royal Society of London, where I had responsibilities for the whole of science. These included international relations with other academies, and I am glad to say that these links have grown closer over the years. Addressing global issues of a scientific nature, such as global warming, requires scientists of the world to work together. The Russian Academy of Science is a vital part of the world scientific community.

I am copying this message to colleagues, including the current President of the Royal Society Sir Paul Nurse.

Yours sincerely

(Sir) Michael Atiyah OM, FRS, FRSE,
Fields Medalist and Abel Laureate
Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge
Honorary Professor of Edinburgh University