Curiculum vitae of Yury Neretin

Full name: Neretin Yury Aleksandrovich



ORCID: 0000-0002-6467-6849

MathSciNet ID/210026

List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Moscow State Institute of electronics and mathematics (MIEM), Assistant professor 1983-1989; Associated professor 1989-1992; Full professor 1992 -- 2001
Independent University of Moscow, 1991-2001
Max-Plank-Institute-fur Mathematik, Bonn; 1995-1996,
Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow. 03.2001-11.2021
Erwin Schroedinger Institute for Mathematical Physics, principal fellowship, 2001--2003
Faculty of mathematics, University of Vienna, 2003--2006
Faculty of mathematics, University of Vienna, FWF grants P19064, P22122, P25142, P28421, P31591, 2006--2024.
Wolfgang Pauli Institute grant FWF, P28421, 2019-2020

Fields of interest. Mathematics: infinite dimensional groups, representation theory, noncommutative harmonic analysis, symmetric spaces, stochastic processes, special functions, linear operators, mathematical physics, history of mathematics.

Education: Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, Moscow State University, student 1975-1980, postgraduate student 1980-1983, ( Chair of Function theory and Functional analysis, scientific adviser: A.A.Kirillov)

Ph.D. Moscow State University, 1984, Unitary highest weight representations of Virasoro Algebra (Russian)
Russian doctor degree (Habilitation): Steklov Institute, 1992, On representations of category of Riemann surfaces (Russian)

Date and place of birth: 2 july 1959, Moscow

Family status: married. Wife: Neretina (Gavrina) Tatiana Vladimirovna
Chidren: Nikolay (1991), Tatiana (1994), Mikhail (2003)
Citezenship: Russia

Address: St.-Veitgasse, 53, 1 , Vienna, 1130, Austria

List of publications:
Categories of symmetries and infinite-dimensional groups. London Mathematical Society Monographs. Oxford University Press 1996.
Lectures on Gaussian integral operators and classical groups. EMS Series of Lectures in Mathematics. European Mathematical Society (EMS), Zurich, 2011
The time of Luzin. The born of Moscow mathematical school. The Soviet mathematics in the context of social upheavals of 1920-30s. (Russian) Editorial URSS, Per aspera ad astra, 53 (2021),

Editing of collection of papers: Yu. Neretin M., Olshanetsky, A. Rosly, (editors), Moscow seminar in mathematical physics. II. American Mathematical Society, 2007 (series AMS translations, v.221).

Prise of Moscow Mathematical Society ("Representations of group of diffeomorphisms of the circle"), 1989

Invited lecture on 1-st European Mathematical Congress, Paris, 1992

Member of editorial board of Moscow Mathematical Journal, Analysis and Mathematical Physics, Functional Analysis and Applications

Most important research projects funded in the past: Stand-alone grants of FWF,
P19064 (Homogeneous spaces)
P22122 (Homogeneous spaces)
P 25142 (Infinite-dimensional groups)
P28421 (Infinite-dimensional groups and harmonic analysis on G-spaces)
P31591 (Infinite-dimensional groups and spectral problems)

Other former reserch projects: participant of projects NWO.047.017.015, JSPS-RFBR-07.01.91209, NWO 047-008-009, RFBR 98-01-00303, RFBR 96-01-96249, RosAtom-H.4e. RFRF 95-01-00814

The most important scientific results:
-- construction of a complexification of the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle and constructions of conformal filed theories, 1985-1988;
-- extensions of representations of classical groups to representations of categories; development of theory of categorical envelopes (trains) of infinite-dimensional groups;
-- introduction of the groups of spheromorphisms of trees;
-- evaluations of new beta-integrals: one-dimensional integrals, matrix integrals, $p$-adic and adelic integrals, non-matrix interpolations of matrix beta integrals, integrals over flags spaces, complex beta-integrals, etc.;
-- construction of inverse limits of unitary groups and of Riemannian compact symmetric spaces;
-- construction of the operational calculus for Plancherel decompositions.