We think we can only save the earth if people work together.We think we should start right now. Let`s start at our school.
GARBAGE WE SEPARATE AT SCHOOL : Things you can recycle:
biological garbage : rotten fruits and vegetables are deposed at our compost heap in the school garden!
plastic ,dustbin , paper ;
One day in the April our teacher for biology and English Mrs. Haslinger suggested to work in our garden. Before we started our teacher explained us in English everything we had to do. We were asked only to use English while we were working. At first we went to the wardrobe and changed our shoes and took our coats and sweaters, because the weather wasn`t very fine.Then we got a riddle, a shovel, a big fork and a carriage.
The boys were very busy and worked with great ambitions. Soon they had separated th earth from stones, bones, pieces of wood and roots. Sometimes we also found small pieces of plastics and wrapping. Of course we separated it and brought it to the container for plastics. The girls used a rake to mix the new fertile soil with the ground. Later we planted tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. The aim of this lesson was to show that all biological waste can be used to get fertile soil for planting. All persons at school, pupils and teachers, collect biological waste and depose rotten fruits and rotten vegetables at our compost heap. All pupils had great fun.
For further information see : compost (in German), homecompost, worms.